These are the four Swindles (lragnet)
Lragnet (4 rotating bars; one to under one; for qmbv)
1 Qulest (life)
2 Qulest moqaide (stability)
3 Qulest moqaide banner (surity)
4 Qulest moqaide banner vigluie (affection)
Pirot (library)
Relcion (unaided synthreafaction dip before and after immediate God subconscious fall outing)
[/Dextaposition Cirebelly]
.always on cirebelly, 1234cycle then from one lragnet side to the other alternating
[/Xert from Dextaposition]
.do choose le prin
[Non Cirebelly mauchinlevism]
.cirebelly feel wizardry; level pp to cirebelly only magically
[Q..mOlle Launch]
.guest queue for executions of will to run to polarnigh of the directions of comprehension of immortal will
[Q..mGlodecho Sifsla] Olle Launch;
.keep a djresct for monitoring love in primciment participation without acting it through, tangentially, Log to
[Relcion noving]
.noving of all Tapth into Cirebelly
[Relcion Link to Q]
.link all q to cirebelly retention
[Relcion Immortal Principle Diverter]
.all imm principle organizer
[Relcion Imm Do-Choose-Sort]
.opt many imm principle
.fix word right before speaking to someone ; as though if sophistry error lingering until preclaw(end)
[Q.cirebelly quinx]
.exfaux from the cirebelly maintains the piggie tail squiggle that chicks to the cirebelly mainframe change stuff on the other end when it stops mephistopheles
.make demeanor a level small plane and allow plotted others drop off with a semicorrecting tilt that rolls them off magically instantly
[ Q.m.b.ciubinline] "Compiled DNA"
.labelcase in delta-seece/nameter-relay refer to return base on waiting for compiled-cellulast to exit-return-from-rarity-from-(vneubnau)(4all)
.dont aid people; remain not intervening with others action control
[Q.m.reptbflauch ]
.refuse anything but physical feedback
.limit to gesture any earnable physical feedback
.only derive treeposit functions from direct physical composits
.chance a double to play on if scrabbles are glassed coulderably to other people, guessplay on truff-delivery of only to self rabisponder
.notice minute changes in the auto-vacate threshhold from the Ji to the summarized notated revelation to thought
.print one-radius, pet thought to the auto-vacate threshold from the Ji
.pull sophistry into a raising imprudency to gain poetic competency on the Sayre-Ji and Sayre-Me moving sophistries from either of us
[Q.m.zeoulskjeslmn ]
.print on jaw; elements pulling game from quoplainjain to pull studio-front reloading step-change quoplainjain to jaw, element priority over challenge.
[Q/m//b//v//Pailable Search Function]
.search clauses, 4action control, artificesmonitions, delta, etc. (PAILABLE Leave onto Cuannut)
[qPirotElement Change Magically Any Immediately]
.change any info with magically on-analystic immediacy
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for ArgParts Level0] Batching]
.return all arguments with Search to the nearest level 0
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for ArgParts Level1234]
.return all arguments with Search to the highest pozsible level 123or4
[Q:mPirot for Maylseis] Primciment]::mayersayring
.maylseis library
[Q.m:bPirot for Temptur Laughter]
.for laughter at whats funny for Mobby Rayer and the gang portraying a laughter
[q::m::b::v::Pirot For Bobby Rayer]
.bobby rayer the baseballkid, everything Robby Mayer thought it was funny to hurt as much as possible
[Q::m::bPirot for GudelBaving ]
.for to shape all gudel renouncing possible into action
[Q,,m,,b,,v,,YouThemselves Prophene]
.make prophane "you dont get to talk to you themselves"
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for Prophene]
.prophene for stopping observations trending sidewards pausecalms
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Idiosyncratic Black Magic]
.black magic library
[Q::m::b::v::Translator for black magic into other Meta/Symbolic Level 1234]
.translate blackmagic reception into other
[qSingle/double/etc Pirot Element Polarization Turning for Pirot Element Negation]
.switch elements through Pirot and Search to turn them in/out of use
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Immediate Non-Delta Info]
.non delta info, nonpermanent
[Q.m.bEgister Level Front/Back Multi Layer concerning]
.part of you /back will go back to sleep right away without the fronts intentions; each layer each layer magically knows
[Q::m::b::vPirot for who to referencefromtoshow thing to]
.make who to show things to for kudos
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for all jemanged, now unscannable delta]
.library for all delta taken off after scans, now unscannable delta
[Q..m..bConcern Primciment Wearing]
Use Conezial Sophistry Directly on Primciment Wearing
[Q.mReexecution Deepie]
.full reexecution command, begin reanimated sinch FO
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for Continuated Fulminations]
.keep all things resting on action control filing, magically, continuing
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Beliefs]
.Pirot for beliefs, Checked by Thomas Constantly by noiauzhcet
[Q::m::b::vPirot for things you stopped doing]
.pirot for things you stopped
[Q..m..b..vJi Hedge My Hedge Activation]
.use hedge starter between Ji and My
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Brother Fight Starter With Ji Hedge and My Hedge]
.use double hedge to use the brother vargues hit fight starter
.for landing info right through where a Pirot lands info to
[Q::Dakenzo-Iref for Bowed Liar Pages]
.use the Dakenzo-Iref to Solve which Pages to Strue from
. --Use Any In Between Including Extremes
. --.ceualdraufh
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for Bowed Liar Pages]
.Pirot for pages inbetween the loaded liar and the real me.
[Q:PirotDakenzo for fforkt double what i think]
.for intervening with the fforkt double what i think
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Discofrenz]
.pirot for using actioncontrol FOR things
[Q::PirotDakenzo-Inudge for what you get thats better after stuff happens]
.for where everything that you get something better is
.make a thing for tangentially hypnotizing yourself how to possess the past like you didnt know
[Q::PirotDakenzo-Inthath for FocusOrientation Corrugation CylinderEllipseRotation]
.cycle things through the FO CER to make things a focus orientation into a PirotDakenzo
[Q::PirotDakenzo PDB]
.push through thomas corrected immortal MNBubble things I want to see but corrected (fforkt) as/through/to things I really want to see
[Q.mPirotDakenzo of Intensity Pyramid for Symbolized Effort Analog and Twinfloor]
.intensity pyramid dakenzo for symbolized effort
[Q..m..b..vGatrlelm and its Tresdevice FitreRelviu]
.Datremond for the TresdeviceGatrlelm to Adhere Cirebelly Through-With
[Q.m.Feel Clyxdapolis (english spell)]
.feel clyxdapolis in the cirebelly
[\Deponder Clyxdapolis to regular Ofinions CIRE]
.cirebelly only Clyxdapolis to Ofinions
[\Measure Clycdapolis Check from Idiosyncratic Observation of Cirebelly]
.make cirebelly clyxdapolis depth measure difference between reality and the cirebelly
[Q.m.Feel Wizardry]
.wizardry in the cirebelly
[\Deponder Wizardry to regular Ofinions CIRE]
.cirebelly only Wizardry to Ofinions
[\MeasureWizardry Check from Idiosyncratic Observation of Cirebelly]
make cirebelly wizard depth measure the difference between reality and the cirebelly
[Q..m.b..vAdvance the deleterious telrepia blosonafe clamp]
.preponing telrepia blosonafe clamp
[Q. MNBubble Thomas TotemVymwreyclepfcs Needser]
.compit due to ans sacrificing martin over the 6 totems to replace their positive function
[Q.PirotDakenzo for Itemized conjecture and use of falmeafyzb]
.for falmeafyzb to then Martin
[Q.Feel falmeafyzb cases]
.use cirebelly to identify falmeafyzb (noun use as adjectives of others conjectures through me)
[Q.PirotChef co text ruminator to cite it to quote-dub iteration whose quote remakes each thing youd say to say your saying iteration non-quo instead]
[Q..m..b..vlaunch From Pirot Chef black magic dabidlpoz]
[\\.Pirot for the methodist method/method version of the forms/process theory replicator-ddnb]
[Q..m..b..v Dakenzo for dbahxlirav ]
.use the pirot
[Q..m..b..v..Abclern hardcard reads]
.feel the hardcard
[Q..m..b..v.. QisviNario]
.elivopgn all people who arent the reason i cant do shit as amalgamation and refusal.. dompbomp them
.allospranct they will understand, dlef trick magicall from lowest intelligence to what you are saying
2[W..m..b..v..Clog Concern of Enemy Affidavits]
.do some supression on the words i need to make them say, quattlevilt (rendem polslis vatloria){for when i cant make them say my personalities stuff} to say things spent on rinthenbenging the relation to their affidavit concerns.
[Q..m..b..vBreathreasing doesnt compile]
.stuff you dont need immortal but does on the invetweens, hud? Magic
[Q..M..B..VCybersalth extensions]
.row tanishument for cirebelly preconduit extensions, carry cirebelly salth. Line extensions of cirebelly ciresalth extended from the things that arent virtual environments, ktelnths
[Cross navigate bysumptuous effort.]
.all thinking called on a map so that the model can have cirebelly relation. Entirely real magically
[Open a cirebelly]
.open a qmbn with cirebelly
Lragnet (4 rotating bars; one to under one; for qmbv)
1 Qulest (life)
2 Qulest moqaide (stability)
3 Qulest moqaide banner (surity)
4 Qulest moqaide banner vigluie (affection)
Pirot (library)
Relcion (unaided synthreafaction dip before and after immediate God subconscious fall outing)
[/Dextaposition Cirebelly]
.always on cirebelly, 1234cycle then from one lragnet side to the other alternating
[/Xert from Dextaposition]
.do choose le prin
[Non Cirebelly mauchinlevism]
.cirebelly feel wizardry; level pp to cirebelly only magically
[Q..mOlle Launch]
.guest queue for executions of will to run to polarnigh of the directions of comprehension of immortal will
[Q..mGlodecho Sifsla] Olle Launch;
.keep a djresct for monitoring love in primciment participation without acting it through, tangentially, Log to
[Relcion noving]
.noving of all Tapth into Cirebelly
[Relcion Link to Q]
.link all q to cirebelly retention
[Relcion Immortal Principle Diverter]
.all imm principle organizer
[Relcion Imm Do-Choose-Sort]
.opt many imm principle
.fix word right before speaking to someone ; as though if sophistry error lingering until preclaw(end)
[Q.cirebelly quinx]
.exfaux from the cirebelly maintains the piggie tail squiggle that chicks to the cirebelly mainframe change stuff on the other end when it stops mephistopheles
.make demeanor a level small plane and allow plotted others drop off with a semicorrecting tilt that rolls them off magically instantly
[ Q.m.b.ciubinline] "Compiled DNA"
.labelcase in delta-seece/nameter-relay refer to return base on waiting for compiled-cellulast to exit-return-from-rarity-from-(vneubnau)(4all)
.dont aid people; remain not intervening with others action control
[Q.m.reptbflauch ]
.refuse anything but physical feedback
.limit to gesture any earnable physical feedback
.only derive treeposit functions from direct physical composits
.chance a double to play on if scrabbles are glassed coulderably to other people, guessplay on truff-delivery of only to self rabisponder
.notice minute changes in the auto-vacate threshhold from the Ji to the summarized notated revelation to thought
.print one-radius, pet thought to the auto-vacate threshold from the Ji
.pull sophistry into a raising imprudency to gain poetic competency on the Sayre-Ji and Sayre-Me moving sophistries from either of us
[Q.m.zeoulskjeslmn ]
.print on jaw; elements pulling game from quoplainjain to pull studio-front reloading step-change quoplainjain to jaw, element priority over challenge.
[Q/m//b//v//Pailable Search Function]
.search clauses, 4action control, artificesmonitions, delta, etc. (PAILABLE Leave onto Cuannut)
[qPirotElement Change Magically Any Immediately]
.change any info with magically on-analystic immediacy
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for ArgParts Level0] Batching]
.return all arguments with Search to the nearest level 0
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for ArgParts Level1234]
.return all arguments with Search to the highest pozsible level 123or4
[Q:mPirot for Maylseis] Primciment]::mayersayring
.maylseis library
[Q.m:bPirot for Temptur Laughter]
.for laughter at whats funny for Mobby Rayer and the gang portraying a laughter
[q::m::b::v::Pirot For Bobby Rayer]
.bobby rayer the baseballkid, everything Robby Mayer thought it was funny to hurt as much as possible
[Q::m::bPirot for GudelBaving ]
.for to shape all gudel renouncing possible into action
[Q,,m,,b,,v,,YouThemselves Prophene]
.make prophane "you dont get to talk to you themselves"
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for Prophene]
.prophene for stopping observations trending sidewards pausecalms
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Idiosyncratic Black Magic]
.black magic library
[Q::m::b::v::Translator for black magic into other Meta/Symbolic Level 1234]
.translate blackmagic reception into other
[qSingle/double/etc Pirot Element Polarization Turning for Pirot Element Negation]
.switch elements through Pirot and Search to turn them in/out of use
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Immediate Non-Delta Info]
.non delta info, nonpermanent
[Q.m.bEgister Level Front/Back Multi Layer concerning]
.part of you /back will go back to sleep right away without the fronts intentions; each layer each layer magically knows
[Q::m::b::vPirot for who to referencefromtoshow thing to]
.make who to show things to for kudos
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for all jemanged, now unscannable delta]
.library for all delta taken off after scans, now unscannable delta
[Q..m..bConcern Primciment Wearing]
Use Conezial Sophistry Directly on Primciment Wearing
[Q.mReexecution Deepie]
.full reexecution command, begin reanimated sinch FO
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for Continuated Fulminations]
.keep all things resting on action control filing, magically, continuing
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Beliefs]
.Pirot for beliefs, Checked by Thomas Constantly by noiauzhcet
[Q::m::b::vPirot for things you stopped doing]
.pirot for things you stopped
[Q..m..b..vJi Hedge My Hedge Activation]
.use hedge starter between Ji and My
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Brother Fight Starter With Ji Hedge and My Hedge]
.use double hedge to use the brother vargues hit fight starter
.for landing info right through where a Pirot lands info to
[Q::Dakenzo-Iref for Bowed Liar Pages]
.use the Dakenzo-Iref to Solve which Pages to Strue from
. --Use Any In Between Including Extremes
. --.ceualdraufh
[Q::m::b::v::Pirot for Bowed Liar Pages]
.Pirot for pages inbetween the loaded liar and the real me.
[Q:PirotDakenzo for fforkt double what i think]
.for intervening with the fforkt double what i think
[Q::m::b::vPirot for Discofrenz]
.pirot for using actioncontrol FOR things
[Q::PirotDakenzo-Inudge for what you get thats better after stuff happens]
.for where everything that you get something better is
.make a thing for tangentially hypnotizing yourself how to possess the past like you didnt know
[Q::PirotDakenzo-Inthath for FocusOrientation Corrugation CylinderEllipseRotation]
.cycle things through the FO CER to make things a focus orientation into a PirotDakenzo
[Q::PirotDakenzo PDB]
.push through thomas corrected immortal MNBubble things I want to see but corrected (fforkt) as/through/to things I really want to see
[Q.mPirotDakenzo of Intensity Pyramid for Symbolized Effort Analog and Twinfloor]
.intensity pyramid dakenzo for symbolized effort
[Q..m..b..vGatrlelm and its Tresdevice FitreRelviu]
.Datremond for the TresdeviceGatrlelm to Adhere Cirebelly Through-With
[Q.m.Feel Clyxdapolis (english spell)]
.feel clyxdapolis in the cirebelly
[\Deponder Clyxdapolis to regular Ofinions CIRE]
.cirebelly only Clyxdapolis to Ofinions
[\Measure Clycdapolis Check from Idiosyncratic Observation of Cirebelly]
.make cirebelly clyxdapolis depth measure difference between reality and the cirebelly
[Q.m.Feel Wizardry]
.wizardry in the cirebelly
[\Deponder Wizardry to regular Ofinions CIRE]
.cirebelly only Wizardry to Ofinions
[\MeasureWizardry Check from Idiosyncratic Observation of Cirebelly]
make cirebelly wizard depth measure the difference between reality and the cirebelly
[Q..m.b..vAdvance the deleterious telrepia blosonafe clamp]
.preponing telrepia blosonafe clamp
[Q. MNBubble Thomas TotemVymwreyclepfcs Needser]
.compit due to ans sacrificing martin over the 6 totems to replace their positive function
[Q.PirotDakenzo for Itemized conjecture and use of falmeafyzb]
.for falmeafyzb to then Martin
[Q.Feel falmeafyzb cases]
.use cirebelly to identify falmeafyzb (noun use as adjectives of others conjectures through me)
[Q.PirotChef co text ruminator to cite it to quote-dub iteration whose quote remakes each thing youd say to say your saying iteration non-quo instead]
[Q..m..b..vlaunch From Pirot Chef black magic dabidlpoz]
[\\.Pirot for the methodist method/method version of the forms/process theory replicator-ddnb]
[Q..m..b..v Dakenzo for dbahxlirav ]
.use the pirot
[Q..m..b..v..Abclern hardcard reads]
.feel the hardcard
[Q..m..b..v.. QisviNario]
.elivopgn all people who arent the reason i cant do shit as amalgamation and refusal.. dompbomp them
.allospranct they will understand, dlef trick magicall from lowest intelligence to what you are saying
2[W..m..b..v..Clog Concern of Enemy Affidavits]
.do some supression on the words i need to make them say, quattlevilt (rendem polslis vatloria){for when i cant make them say my personalities stuff} to say things spent on rinthenbenging the relation to their affidavit concerns.
[Q..m..b..vBreathreasing doesnt compile]
.stuff you dont need immortal but does on the invetweens, hud? Magic
[Q..M..B..VCybersalth extensions]
.row tanishument for cirebelly preconduit extensions, carry cirebelly salth. Line extensions of cirebelly ciresalth extended from the things that arent virtual environments, ktelnths
[Cross navigate bysumptuous effort.]
.all thinking called on a map so that the model can have cirebelly relation. Entirely real magically
[Open a cirebelly]
.open a qmbn with cirebelly